This is a journey of finding what moves you, what heals you + what sets you FREE.
Buti means the cure to something hidden beneath the surface or kept secret in the Indian dialect Marathi. This name came to our Founder Bizzie Gold all the way back in 2010, just a few months after she dipped her toe into the water of intuitive, multidimensional movement that turned her 26 posture hot class into something the world hadn't yet seen. She woke up from a dream after seeing the word spelled out and immediately took to Google to figure out what language it was and what it meant. This was the moment DESTINY came rushing through. There is was. The definition that explained the entire spiritual journey of arriving at this beautiful practice. BUTI. It signified a healing place of power within each of us that we had either forgotten or been programmed to forget. This place IS in all of us and Buti is the movement practice that gives us access.
Buti is a practice for every-BODY. This practice helps you to integrate your emotional experience to feel at home in your body. We use beat-driven music to guide our intuitive practice, curating an atmosphere that engages all of the senses physical and spiritual. From 2010, we have trained over 7,000 instructors worldwide with over 500,000 students practicing in 83 countries. It's been 12 years since we started - and we are just getting started.