CREATING THE ATMOSPHERE- why that first song really matters.
Written By: Becky Sayer Kain
Dig if you will the picture, Buti Instructor- you walk into the studio and your energy is off the charts. You tap into the collective vibe and feel that the stoke is HIGH. Everyone in class is chatty, excited to hit it hard tonight. You bring your students to the mat and call Ardha Padmasana. You reach down for your phone and press play. Ready to bring the heat, you’re confused when you hear a grimy, slowest-ever-to-build type track. You’re taken out of the moment and the feels and your brain starts reeling. Instead of being present with your class, you’re now lost in thought. Is this track ever gonna pick up? Why is there so much space between these beats? -you think. You were ready to lat pull from jump and might have even slapped the mat in your warmup. You wonder- was I a different person when I made this playlist?
Honestly’s a strong possibility. Sometimes when we create our playlist- even if just hours before our class- it feels like we were a whole different human. Of course, it doesn’t always work to wait until a minute before class to feel into what’s going to move you and your students. We have jobs, families, and responsibilities. Often, we’re short on time. But the wrong opener can really throw the whole class off. You are the DJ.
So make your playlist. Check into what you feel in the room and acknowledge your own state. Recognize that you are conduit and you serve as a leader who helps to transmute and amalgamize all the energies in the space. If you peak at the opener and think- that doesn’t feel right…- go ahead and switch it up. The right first song can kick it off and set the atmosphere for an impactful experience that keeps your students hungry for more. The wrong one can leave you distracted, adding to confusion and an uneasy feeling in your students. Remember- they feed off of your confidence. So much of your students' trust in you comes from witnessing your trust in yourself. So start off STRONG and with INTENTION.
It’s important to note that a great class doesn’t necessarily = banger for an opener. Sometimes we do need that grimy slow build. Maybe the class feels tired and needs a little extra help getting into it. If you’re teaching a 90 minute class, you have the time to ease everybody in and might choose to utilize that with a juicy warmup. You can go hard from the beginning, or go for a slow build, or anywhere in between- what really matters is that it’s a conscious choice and that it’s TRUE right NOW.
If you’re a newer teacher and find yourself discouraged (or even a Butisattva who’s nervous to certify), we are here to let you know that things like this happen to the most seasoned, OG teachers. Not only do we sometimes start off wrong, sometimes we miss the drop. We get flustered. We mess up. This is where the art of recovery comes in. After hearing the music set a vibe that now feels totally off, misspeaking, or even realizing you missed something on the left side- how quickly can you RECOVER? But that opening song choice- and checking on it before you press play on your playlist- is an easy way to avoid the need to recover from anything at all. Make sure it hits. Be so sure on how you start and let that propel the success of your entire class.
This playlist of opening tracks really runs the gamut from bangers to slow builders. Press play and feel into what really moves you. Notice the highs and lows, the lyrics (if there are any), and the energy that the frequencies bring. See a certain song that really speaks to you? Go to the song radio for more inspiration. Check the rest of the songs by the artists. Scroll down to see playlists that the artist has created and any collabs they’ve done that might introduce you to even more music.
Dictate the vibe, Butisattva. Be so sure of what you’re bringing from the very beginning. We can’t wait to see what you come up with. Don’t forget to tag us in your posts and share the music that you find with us, too. For real tho- how great of a feeling is it when you find the exact right song?!
Sending you so much Buti love and music that hits just right,
-The Buti Team